Mitt Romney defends vote to convict Trump on abuse of power & Romney Aid Worked For Same Ukrainian Company As Hunter Biden

The Cafe' [Think Tank] - 

Here at, The Cafe' we where trying to figure why Mitt Romney would sequester himself from his constituents because nothing in the above interview made since to us. 

I was on facebook and I posed the question beneath this video and my facebook friend Stephen Max explained to me that the reason it didn't make since is because Romney's aid is under investigation with Hunter Biden...

After doing some digging I found an article that corroborated my facebook friends claims. The article came from an independent news outlet called, The Federalist Papers. The article made Romney's claims of, christian values and his Constitutional obligations make so much since. 

We could not understand how a man that had so much corruption around him during the Obama Administration all of a sudden get clarity about his civic and moral obligations. We have included this article for your review below and we would like to hear from you.

Please like, comment and subscribe to the blog for more content and let us know if there is something you would like to us to research for you... 

The first Republican senator to betray President Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, has some explaining to do of his own.
The Utah senator, and former Republican presidential candidate in 2012, had an advisor to his campaign serving on the same board as Hunter Biden.
There are not many coincidences in the world of politics, and it could be that the reason Sen. Romney shafted Trump was to avoid this becoming public knowledge.
Joseph Cofer Black, a career CIA agent, was chosen by Romney to be a special advisor to his campaign back in 2011, American Thinker reported.
(Black was hired) to advise Governor Romney on foreign policy strategy, defense issues, intelligence matters, counterterrorism, and regional policy. These advisers will assist Governor Romney as he presents his vision for restoring American leadership in the world and securing our enduring interests and ideals abroad.
Mr. Black brought to this role his extensive background at the CIA, which he joined in 1974 and trained for covert operations. He rose rapidly through the ranks, becoming Director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 1999-2002. Coincidentally, this was the time in which Al Qaeda planned and carried out the 911 attack without hindrance from the counterintelligence apparatus of the intelligence community. But Black was not penalized, he failed upward, being appointed Ambassador at Large and Coordinator for Counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002.
And in yet another amazing coincidence, Black was succeeded in his job as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center by John Brennan.
Cofer Black left the CIA in 2006 (does anyone ever completely leave the CIA after being a spook?) to join Blackwater, the huge contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as vice chairman until 2008 .
Fast forward to February 2017, when Black joined the board of directors of Burisma6 months after the departure of Hunter Biden.
This explains why Sen. Romney finds President Trump’s phone call with the Ukranian president asking for an investigation to be “deeply troubling.”
Mitt Romney Makes Statement Against Trump In Ukraine Scandal.
Former Massachusetts governor, and current Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, has again taken sides against President Donald Trump.
Romney, who appears more concerned with pleasing the media than his party, made a statement on Twitter against the president.
“If the President asked or pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate his political rival, either directly or through his personal attorney, it would be troubling in the extreme.
“Critical for the facts to come out,” the former 2012 Republican presidential nominee said on Twitter on Sunday.
The senator made the statement a day after it was made known by CNN that the alleged whistleblower in the Ukraine scandal did not hear anything.
Ukraine Hoax Done, CNN Admits Whistleblower Did Not Hear Anything.
CNN is working to cover its own fake news story about the whistleblower that they believe heard President Donald Trump ask the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
In a story that CNN published on the controversy on Saturday it admitted that the whistleblower did not hear anything.
“The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN,” CNN said.
“Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said,” it said.
That is a mega change from the story that the whistleblower heard the president ask for the Ukraine to investigate Biden.
For the past 48 hours CNN has pushed every conspiracy theory one could imagine about the report that they have not seen.
And Rep. Adam Schiff was in front of cameras talking about the president asking for foreign interference in the 2020 election, as he did with Russiagate.
There has not been any apology from CNN for promoting this story and for promoting more fake news against President Trump.
They suggested that the president could have held the $250 million in aid from the Ukraine if they did not investigate Biden.
They suggested that President trump directly asked for the Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election by investigating Biden.
And the whistleblower did not hear a word of it. It is a bust the same way the Russia story was a bust and no one has apologized.
The news comes after the Ukraine Foreign Minister said that President Trump did not do what the media has accused him of.
The foreign minister of the Ukraine has torpedoed them Democrat idea that President Donald Trump pressured the Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I know what the conversation was about and I think there was no pressure,” Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said in an interview with the Hromadske media outlet.
“There was talk, conversations are different, leaders have the right to discuss any problems that exist,” he said. Fox News reported.
“This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions, sometimes requiring serious answers,” he said.
“President Trump is interested, his advisor, Giuliani, newspapers, Democrats, Republicans are interested in whether pressure had been put on Ukraine.”
“I want to say that we are an independent state, we have our own secrets,” he said in the interview published on Saturday.


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