The Cafe' [Think Tank]- Bi-Partisan Bickering is it really worth it? Who is really loosing as a result?

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'One thing is clear: Speaker Pelosi knows how to capture a moment. All I remember from the last SOTU was her iconic handclap. All will take away from this one is her ripping up the speech. She does more without saying a damn word than Trump can do with 10,000 lies. George Takei'

The Cafe' [Think Tank] - 

That is because George Takei like millions of Americans are told what to think they don't have a mind of their own..... 

1. It was not important to George Takei that Black Pilots won the war for American and had not been property awarded until now... 
2. It was not and remains to not be important to George Takei that inner city children were not getting access to a proper education and the only thing that holds them back is bi-partisan bickering. 

He didn't feel the need to urge his party to just get a damn bill on the presidents desk to bridge the gap on education disparity. 
3. George Takei did not see that other Americans had been suffering because his party is to busy chasing ghosts and trying to undue the will of the American people. 

4. George Takei does not see that the price of medications has people making difficult choices, because they can not afford to pay the inflated pricing.

5. George Takei does not see that Doctors are forced to abandon their Hippocratic oath in order to make ends meet. 
All his party has to do is review and sign the bill that has been presented by the current administration and it could end suffering for millions of Americans. Moreover, it could get them a better quality care. 

George Takei like millions of other Americans only saw Nancy Pelosi one up the President. 

In that fight nobody really wins because nothing is getting done and Americans are suffering for it. 

Money that could go to programs to help his fellow Americans has been wasted on pointless investigations and one ups. 

So George Takei like millions of others are enjoying the political theater and overlooking the devastation and damage it is causing.

George Takei and the millions of Americans that are being entertain by the soap opera, I hope it is all worth it for you in the end. Notwithstanding, I hope you can live with yourselves. 

At the end of the day we all should be reviewing policy no matter who presents it and seeing if it is good. If so put aside the partisan bickering and lets get constitutional laws that work for all Americans.

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