Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, and Pizzagate

The Cafe' [Think Tank]


We would like to explore the Pizzagate the global elite child sex trafficking ring that was exposed in Hillary Clinton emails that she now denies. However, it was all released in her emails. Please before you discount the claims or believe these claims; research it for yourselves. If you can find the original story. 

Streamed live on Jul 13, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein Connection to Trump and Clinton...

Jul 8, 2019

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minutes Australia

Nov 10, 2019

CBS News Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate

Jan 17, 2017

🍕#PizzaGate Part 13: NY Times 2005 Pedophilia Investigation + Catherine Agnew + MORE

Feb 17, 2017

Oprah Winfrey Connection To Sex Trafficking - CONNECTED To Harvey Weinstein Bill Clinton John Of God

Mar 5, 2020


Math Easy Solutions (Comments and sources below.)

In #PizzaGate Part 13, I go over a topic that many people investigation PizzaGate overlook, which is the actual mindset of many people inside the pedophilia “community”. After reading former New York Times’ writer Kurt Eichenwald’s 2-part series regarding his 2005 four-month investigation into the online world of pedophilia and child pornography, I decided to cover these articles in detail in this video. This is because he provided extremely important information regarding the hidden world of pedophiles, their digital presence, and how they can translate the digital fantasy to real world abuses and exploitation. If you are a parent, this video is a MUST WATCH to be able to better protect your children from possible dangers. Some of the summary and conclusions of this video are listed below: - Pedophiles don't view what they are doing as inherently bad or evil, but most feel (or try rationalize their beliefs) that those against pedophiles are actually removing the rights of children from "consenting" to sexual activities with adults. - Pedophiles often times look for jobs that bring them closer to children, in which being a teacher is one of the most likely occupations, and even create children's ""charities"", adoption centers, etc., in order to be around and potentially abuse/exploit children. - Working in the shadows has helped pedophiles become experts in digital encryption, untraceable money transfers, anonymity, coded messages and symbols (as discussed in Part 12 of this #PizzaGate series) and networking. - The pedophilia market is very lucrative. I also show the stark contrast in the NY Times reporting afterward #PizzaGate broke out, in which they made one of the most pathetic attempts at journalism in their “Dissecting” #PizzaGate article. Also in this video I show some of the incredible recent updates into #Vault7 and #PizzaGate. Some of these updates are listed below: 1. Bizarre tweets and Twitter accounts FROM 2011 by “Catherine Agnew” or “Cattagnew” implicating John, Heather, and Tony Podesta, as well as others, in alleged murders, human trafficking, abuse, and even organ smuggling. 2. Julian Assange, editor of WikiLeaks is back on Twitter and will be having a live video chat in Australian theaters this Saturday and Sunday (February 18 and 19). He also released CIA documents showing United States infiltration into 2012 French Elections, and alluding to a later #Vault7 release. 3. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas alludes to a big CNN / Mainstream Media undercover leak to be released next week. 4. Hillary Clinton may just have made her biggest blunder in tweeting about #PizzaGate after Mike Flynn was forced to resign by the Trump administration. 5. I make a prediction that #Vault7 will be released on Wednesday February 22, 2017 so mark your calendar 😉 Also as for the writer of the New York Times articles, Kurt Eichenwald, he may have been more “involved” in his investigation into child pornography and pedophilia than he may be willing to admit… Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 14… Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhuV2u... ALL Parts: https://mes.fm/pizzagate

#PizzaGate Part 12: FBI Pedophile Logos and Symbols: https://youtu.be/bANFRekPNqk #PizzaGate Part 11: 'Fake News', Search Trends, Jeff Sessions, #NationalPizzaDay, and MORE: https://youtu.be/TxB8pVmzVY0 #PizzaGate Part 10: Kate McCann's Bizarre Book 'Madeleine': https://youtu.be/y_f3Rmibe1k .

Exposed! Hillary Clinton’s Secret Emails! (see Amazon)

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