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Should coporal punishment be put back into the home?

Father disciplines son for disrespecting family. 

The Cafe' [Think Tank] 
Proverbs 13:24


I can not lie when I saw this video it got me really excited! That is surprising because normally I do not watch street fight videos because they grieve my spirit. What does that say about what a mistake it was for us to take corporal punishment out of the home. It was black women that led the way on this effort. Should we get corporal punishment back? Moreover, we allowed President G.W. Bush to take over the school system without a fight. 

It is my contention that the people collectively generally get it right. Politicians have selfish motives and ambitions representing the people. Therefore, the school system needs to go back to the hands of the people for a more common sense approach to solving our problems. 

We have allowed the politicians to divide and concur us psychologically (Social Engineering). They have appealed to our passions and controlled when we should usurp collective authority. They have convinced us that THE GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob had nothing to do with our government. Moreover, they have convinced us in spite of the historical relevance that our GOD is a slavers concoction. In reality Roman Catholics are the slavers religion ( see: Reformation). 

Some Comments from WorldStar Patriots:

Pops hurt more than his own son. Believe it or not. No dad wants to have to go this far. You young boys need to respect everything and everyone.


    Yes he should have discipline his ass, you got too many kids, taking over the house hold, got the mom scared to do anything of say anything to them. I hate a disrespectful child, these kids these days, go as far to disrespect the grandmama. They pay no bills, but want to run shit and terrorize every body in the house. Dad did the right thing to beat that ass and show him about having respect for the family. A lot of these kids need their ass beat. Thats the problem, they think they can say and do anything they want. And when them white folks , put they ass in jail for that dumb shit , they want mama to rip and run to the jail house. When they did not listen. Dad did the right thing, teach his ass to respect his elders.


Nah he didnt go too far. That was just right. A nice little ass whoopin but not no crazy shit just whooped his ass like he need. But now they should do more, dont just whoop his ass, be ON TOP of him, make sure he doing what he need to do. Trust me he will THANK YOU when he's older making good money at a good job able to support himself and a family.


It's the streets and the rap music that's out today.Its no guidance nowdays for you to stand up and say disrespectful things to family is a problem. the generation that's out here is sad no leaders just followers and dummy's. My dad discipline me many times I thank him for that tough love is the best love.At the end you talk to your kids tell them the real you friend don't love you nor do the streets at the end of the day all you have is you and family 💯💯💯

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