The mainstream media will make you believe that the GUILTY is INNOCENT, and the INNOCENT is GUILTY!!



THE EVIL MSM AND DEMOCRAT PARTY IS DOING IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO AMERICA Malcolm X once said that the CROOKED media will convince you that the innocent is guilty, and the guilty is innocent. He was CORRECT! The SINISTER mainstream media, COMMUNIST college/university professors and the Democrat Party are turning out generations of BRAIN MUSH INDOCTRINATED CLONES...πŸ™„ The MSM and Democrat Party continues to lead Black Americans to an eventual cliff and our DOOM. The FAKE NEWS media continues to push this FAKE White supremacy, White nationalism and systemic racism. They continue to push the FAKE narrative that White people are MURDERING Black people in America...πŸ€” •Black Americans account for 13% of the US population, but commit 51% of all homicides •Black Americans have a 90% interracial murder rate BLACK AMERICANS: Projecting FAKE RACISM is NOT going to elevate Black Americans in the United States!!! Go back to Malcolm X's wisdom, the Democrat Party and mainstream media will make you believe the guilty is innocent, and the innocent is guilty....🀨 #SupportOurPresidentπŸ’― #StopFakeRacism #RaceHustlers #RejectRacism #MAGAπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
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