Oprah Winfrey arrested?

Oprah Winfrey denies 'awful,
fake' arrest rumors

Shelley Sikorski. Celebrity Mug Shots. Oprah Winfrey | Celebrity ...

'Just sanitizing and self distancing with the rest of the world,' Winfrey explained.

Will Oprah have a tell-all interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? Some members of the public think otherwise. 

Oprah Winfrey has denied rumors she was arrested early 

Wednesday morning after her name was trending 

on Twitter.

"Just got a phone call that my name is trending," she wrote 

in the social media post. "And being trolled for some awful 

FAKE thing. It’s NOT TRUE. Haven't been raided, or 

arrested. Just sanitizing and self distancing with the rest of 

the world. Stay safe everybody."
Rumors circulated Tuesday alleging Winfrey was arrested after her Florida home had been raided in connection to a sex trafficking ring.

Winfrey in London in 2018. (Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage)

Other Hollywood big-names, such as filmmaker Ava Duvernay, soon came to her defense.

As of Wednesday morning, "Oprah" was still trending on Twitter, along with #OprahWinfrey, #opraharrested and "Leave Oprah."

Oprah Winfrey Connection To Sex 

Oprah Winfrey Connection To Sex Trafficking - CONNECTED To Harvey Weinstein Bill Clinton John Of God Trafficking - CONNECTED To Harvey Weinstein Bill Clinton John Of God

Mar 5, 2020

Article Source: 
- Fox Business

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