Companies of the Military Industrial Complex

The expression Military–Industrial Complex describes the relationship between a country's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.

Military-industrial complex super-exploits prison labor

- reports indicate that some materials used by the U.S. military during its May bombing campaign against Libya were made with the labor of prisoners in the United States. The parts were made in federal prison workshops run by the U.S. Bureau of Prison’s UNICOR division.

The Companies that make up the Military - Industrial Complex 





I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast at the Sunday, April 3rd so stay tuned we will keep you updated here.

The Military-Industrial Complex
established Tuesday, January 17, 1961
(Highlited sections of this post are links to my sources and links to the companies)

Update: (March 27, 2022 - They have detached links to the companies, however you can google them.)

- But not limited to:

A & H Contractors, Incorporated
A1 Signal Research, Incorporated
AAI Corporation
ACC Construction
Accenture LLP
Accenture Nation Security Systems LLC
Accenture National Services LLC, Incorporated
Acepex Management Corporation
Actel Corporation
ActioNet, Incorporated
Adaptive Methods, Incorporated
ADI Limited
AECOM Government Services
Aeroflex Corporation
Aerojet General Corporation (ALL)
Aerojet General Corporation, Aerojet Propulsion Division
Aerospace Testing Alliance
AEY, Incorporated
Advanced Acoustics Concepts, Incorporated
Advanced American Construction, Incorporated
Advanced Systems Development, Incorporated
Aero Company
Aeroflex Corporation
Aeroflex Wichita, Incorporated
Aerojet-General Corporation
Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA)
AeroVironment Corporation
AGE Refining, Incorporated
AGVIQ/CH2M HILL Constructors, incorporated
Air BP (Epic Aviation)
Air Products and Chemical, Incorporated
Aircraft Braking Systems
Akima Construction LLC
Akima Facilities Management LLC
Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation of Anchorage
Alaska Native Technologies, Incorporated LLC
Alaska Structures, Incorporated
Alaska Tent and Tarp
ALCOA, Incorporated
Alion Science and Technology Corporation
Alloy Surfaces Company
Allan C Bamforth, Jr, Engineer Surveyor Ltd
Allen Wright Enterprises, Incorporated
Alliance Aviation Service
Alliant Ammunition and Powder Company LLC
Alliant Lake City Small Caliber Ammunition Company, LLC
Alliant Techsystems, Incorporated
Alliant Techsystems, Incorporated, Integrated Systems Division
Allison Transmission
Aleut Facilities Support Services LLC
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated
Alton Science and Technology
AM General LLC
AM General SPLO
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Incorporated
American Apparel, Incorporated
American Auto Logistics LP
American Electronic Warfare Associates
American Material Handling, Incorporated
American Medical Depot
American Security Programs, Incorporated
Amerda Hess Corporation
AmeriQual Group, LLC
American Apparel, Incorporated
American Bridge Company
American Infrastructure
American Ordnance LLC
American Roll-On Roll-Off Carriers
American Society for Engineering Education
AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation
Amherst Systems, Incorporated
AMPAC-ISP Corporation
Analysis Group LLC, The
Anchor Industries
Andalusia-Opp Airport Authority
Alliance Aviation Service
Alutiiq International Solutions LLC
AOC Solutions, Incorporated
APAC-SOUTHEAST, Incorporated
Applied Engineering Management Corporation
Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas
AQuate Corporation
Archer Western Contractors and LTD
Archer Western Contractors and LTD / Butt Construction Company, Incorporated
Arriba Corporation
ARINC Engineering Services LLC
Army Armaments, Incorporated
Arrowhead Global Solutions
ARINC, Incorporated
Armor Holdings
Armtec Countermeasures Company
Army Armaments
Arnold Defense and Electronics
ASTAR Air Cargo
AT&T Corporation
AT&T Government Markets
ATK Federal Cartridge Company
ATK Launch Systems
ATK Space Systems, Incorporated
ATK Tactical Systems
Atlantic Contingency Constructors LLC
Atlantic Marine Florida, LLC
Atlantic Microwave
Augusta Systems
Automation Precision Technology LLC
Aurora Flight Sciences
Avaya, Incorporated DBA Avaya Communications
AVI BioPharma
Avon Protection Systems, Incorporated
Azimuth Corporation

B & K Construction Company, Incorporated
Babcock Construction Company LLC
Babington Enterprises, Incorporated
BAe / Schroth Safety Products Corporation
BAe Systems (ALL)
BAe Systems, Advanced Technologies
BAe Systems Advanced Information Technologies
BAe Systems Analytical Solutions
BAe Systems, Armament Systems Division
BAe Systems and Armaments LP Armament Systems Division
BAe Systems Applied Technologies, Incorporated
BAe Systems Australia Limited
BAe Systems Electronic Intelligence Support
BAe Systems, Ground Systems Division
BAe Systems Information and Electronics
BAe Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration
BAe Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integrated
BAe Systems Land and Armaments
BAe Systems Land and Armaments Limited Partnership, Armament Systems Division
BAe Systems Land and Armaments LP, Ground Systems Division
BAe Systems, Norfolk Ship Repair
BAe Systems Ordnance Systems, Incorporated
BAe Systems San Diego Ship Repair, Incorporated
BAe Systems San Francisco Ship Repair
BAe Systems Technical Services
BAe Systems Technologies, Incorporated
BAe Systems Technology Solutions and Services, Incorporated
Bahrain Maritime and Mercantile International
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation
Base-X Expedition Shelters
Basic Contracting Services, Incorporated
Basler Electric
Bath Iron Works
Battelle Memorial Institute
Battery Specialties, Incorporated
Bay Electric Company, Incorporated
BBL Carlton, Incorporated
BBN Technologies Corporation
BCP International Limited
B E Meyers and Company, Incorporated
BE&K Government Group, Incorporated
Bean Stuyvesant LLC
BearingPoint, Incorporated
Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA)
Bechtel Plant Machinery, Incorporated
Bell-Boeing Joint Program Office, The
Bell-Boeing Tilt Rotor Team
Bell Helicopter Textron, Incorporated
Belonger / Blinderman Joint Venture LLC
Benchmark Contracting, Incorporated
Benham Constructors
Benson Medical Instruments Company
Bergen Brunswig Drug Company, Incorporated
Bethel Industries, Incorporated
Bette and Craig LLC
Bickerstaff Brothers, Incorporated
Bindley Western Drug Company
BioEngineering / ARCADIS LLC
Biscayne Contractors, Incorporated
BJK Solutions, Incorporated
BKA Petroleum Company dba Leemon Oil Company, Incorporated
BL Harbert International LLC
Black and Veatch Special Projects Corporation
Blackbird Technologies, Incorporated
BMI Defense Systems, Incorporated
Boeing Aerospace Corporation
Boeing Aerospace Operations, Incorporated
Boeing Company, The (ALL)
Boeing Corporation, Expendable Launch Systems
Boeing Helicopter
Boeing Satellite Systems, Incorporated
Boeing Wichita Development and Mod Center
BOH Environmental LLC
Booz Allen Hamilton, Incorporated
Boro Construction
BOS Bros Construction Company LLC
Bowhead Manufacturing, Incorporated
Brechbill and Helman Construction Company, Incorporated
Bremen Bowdon
Bristol Design Build Services LLC
Bristol Environmental and Engineering Services Corporation
Browning Construction Company Ltd
BTP Systems LLC
Bucktown Contractor and Company, Incorporated
BUCON, Incorporated, Butler Construction
Burlington Apparel Fabrics
Burlington Apparel Fabrics Division of Burlington Industries LLC
Bushmaster Firearms International LLC
Business Technology and Solutions, Incorporated
Butt Construction Company, Incorporated
C2 Technologies
C A Carey Corporation
CACI, Incorporated (ALL)
CACI Dynamic Systems, Incorporated
CACI Systems, Incorporated
Caddell Construction Company, Incorporated
Caddell Corporation Company, Incorporated
Caddell Yates
CADDO and Wolverine Joint Venture
Calnet, Incorporated
Calumet Sales Company, Incorporated
Canadian Commercial Corporation, General Dynamics Land Systems Canada
Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation
Caman / Strickland
Camber Corporation
Camel Manufacturing Company
Campbellsville Apparel Company
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Capco, Incorporated
CAPPS Shoe Company
Caravan Trading Company
Cardinal Health, Incorporated
Cardinal Health 200, Incorporated
Carley Corporation
Carl Zeiss Optronics
Carter Industries, Incorporated
CAS, Incorporated
Cascade General, Incorporated
Castrol Marine Americas
Caterpillar Defense and Federal Products
Caterpillar, Incorporated (ALL)
CBZG Design Builders LLC
CDM Constructors, Incorporated
Celina Tent, Incorporated
C E Niehoff and Company
C E Niehoff and AMP Company
Central Power Systems and Services, Incorporated
Ceradyne, Incorporated
Ceres Caribe, Incorporated
Cessna Aircraft Company
CH2M Hill, Incorporated
CH2M Hill and VT Griffin Joint Venture
Champion Energy Services LLC
Chancellor and Son, Incorporated
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, The
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Incorporated
Charpie-Sollitt Joint Venture
Charter Environmental, Incorporated
Chenega Federal Systems, LLC
Chesapeake Science Corporation
Chesapeake Sciences Corporation
Chiliad Publishing, Incorporated
Chugach Government Services, Incorporated
Chrysler International Corporation
CipherSystems LLC
City of Chicopee, Incorporated
Cityon Systems, Incorporated
Civil Air Patrol, Incorporated
CJW Construction, Incorporated
Clark / Balfour Beatty NGA
Clark / Hunt, Joint Venture
CM Technologies Corporation
CNI Aviation LLC
Coakley Williams LLC
Coakley & Williams Construction, Incorporated
Coastal Pacific Food Distributors
Cockett Marine
Coffman Specialties, Incorporated
College of American Pathologists
Colsa Corporation
Colt Defense LLC
Columbia Research Corporation
Colville Tribal Services Corporation
Communications and Power Industries, Traveling Wave Technology
Compass Systems, Incorporated
Complex Solutions, Incorporated
Computer Science Corporation
Computer Sciences Parson, LLC
Computer Sciences Raytheon
Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
Communication Technologies, Incorporated
Conax Florida Corporation
Conoco, Incorporated
Constellation New Energy, Incorporated
Container Machinery, Incorporated
Conti Environment and Infrastructure, Incorporated
Contingency Response Services LLC
Contrack international, Incorporated
Core Tech International Corporation
Carothers Construction, Incorporated
Cottrell Contracting Corporation
Cox Construction Company
CP of Bozeman, Incorporated
Creative Times, Incorporated
Crowley Petroleum Distribution
Crown Roofing Services, Incorporated
CSC Applied Technologies LLC
CSI Armoring
CSS Global
Cubic Applications, Incorporated
Cummins, Incorporated
Curtis Wright Controls
Cutter Aviation, Incorporated
Cytyc Corporation
Gary-Williams Energy Corporation
Gaver Technologies, Incorporated dba GTI Federal
Genco Infrastructure Solutions
General Atomics (ALL)
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
General Construction Company
General Dynamics (ALL)
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Incorporated
General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products, Incorporated
General Dynamics C4 Systems
General Dynamics Electric Boat Corporation
General Dynamics Information Technology
General Dynamics Land Systems, Incorporated
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada Corporation
General Dynamics Land Systems, General Dynamics Amphibious Systems
General Dynamics. National Steel and Shipbuilding Company
General Dynamcs Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Incorporated
General Electric Aviation
General Electric Company (ALL)
General Electric Company Aircraft Engines
General Electric Company, Aircraft Engines Business Group
General Electric Engineering Services, Incorporated
General Electric Transportation Aircraft Engines
General Industries
General Injectables & Vaccines
General Motors General Dynamics Land Systems Defense Group, LLC
General Purpose Vehicles LLC
Gichner Shelter Systems
Golden Manufacturing Company, Incorporated
Goodrich Corporation
Goodrich Corporation Group Goodrich Aerostructures
GovConnections, Incorporated
Government Sewing and Apparel
Global Fleet Sales, Incorporated
Global Ground Support LLC
Global Investment Recovery
Global Language Systems LLC
Global PCCI
Global Strategies Group
Global Technical Systems
Globe Trailer Manufacturing, Incorporated
GM GDLS Defense Group LLC
Granite Construction Company
Graybar Electric Company
Great Eastern Group, Incorporated
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
GrimmerSchmidt Compressors LLC
Grip Pod Systems LLC
Grove US LLC
Grunley Walsh US LLC
GSC Construction, Incorporated
GTA Containers, Incorporated
GTI Federal
Guam Industrial Services, Incorporated
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Gyrocam Systems LLC
H Koch and Sons Company
Halbert Construction Company, Incorporated
Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation
Hamps Construction, LLC
Harbor Offshore, Incorporated
Harkins Builders, Incorporated
Harmonia, Incorporated
Harper Construction Company, Incorporated
Harris Corporation
Harris Corporation RF Communications
Harry Pepper and Associates, Incorporated
Haskell Company
HATCO Corporation
Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company, Incorporated
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
Hawkeye Glove Mfg
Hawthorne Services, Incorporated
Hazard Protection Systems, Incorporated
Healy Tibbitts Builders, Incorporated
Heil Trailer International
Helber Hastert and Fee Planners, Incorporated
Hellfire Systems LLC
Henry M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicines
Henry Schein, Incorporated
Hensel Phelps Construction Company
Hermes Consolidated, Incorporated
Hess Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hightower Construction Company, Incorporated
HITT Contracting, Incorporated
Hoffman Construction of Washington
Holston Defense Corporation
Honeywell (ALL)
Honeywell International, Incorporated
Honeywell Incorporated, Defense and Space Electronic Systems
Honeywell Technology Solutions, Incorporated
Hontek Corporation
Hood Technology Corporation
Horizon Lines LLC
Horus Vision LLC
Hourigan Construction Corporation
HRL Laboratories
Hummingbird Aviation LLC
Hunt Building Company LTD
Hunt Refining Company
Husky Marketing and Supply Company
Hutchinson Industries
Hydraulics International, Incorporated
Hydroid LLC
J & J Contractors
Jacobs Facilities, Incorporated
Jacobs Technology, Incorporated
Jacobs / Tetra Tech
Jahn Corporation
James River Solutions
JCB, Incorporated
JD Abrams LLP
Jianas Brothers Packaging Company
JE McAmis
J.I. Garcia Construction, Incorporated
JLG Industries, Incorporated
J M Waller Associates, Incorporated
JM Industrial Supply, Incorporated
JMR Construction Corporation
John C Grimberg Company, Incorporated
John Deere Construction and Forrestry Corporation, The
John Deere Construction Retails Sales
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD
Johnson Outdoors
Jordon-BE & K Federal Group
L-3 Combat Propulsion Systems
L-3 Communications Cincinnati Electronics
L-3 Communications Corporation (ALL)
L-3 Communications Corporation, Communications Systems West
L-3 Communications Corporation, Integrated Systems Joint Operations
L-3 Communications TItan Corporation, Intelligence Systems Division
L-3 Communications Corporation, Link Simulation and Training
L-3 Communications Electron Technologies, Incorporated
L-3 Communications, Linkabit Division
L-3 Communications System West
L-3 Communications Titan Corporation
L-3 Communications Vertex Aerospace LLC
L-3 Services, Incorporated
L-3 Services, Incorporated, Unidyne Division
L-3 Titan Corporation
LABATT Food Service, Incorporated
Lake Moultrie Construction, Incorporated
Lakeshore Engineering Services, Incorporated
Lawman Heating and Cooling, Incorporated
Lean Quest, LLC
Lear Siegler Services, Incorporated
Lee Escher Oil Company, Incorporated
Leemon Oil Company, Incorporated
Lincoln Public Schools
LINXX Security Services
Lion Vallen Limited Partnership
Litton Systems, Incorporated
Lobar, Incorporated
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Global Sustainment
Lockheed Martin Aircraft and Logistics
Lockheed Martin Company, Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
Lockheed Martin Corporation (ALL)
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Company
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Simulator, Training and Support
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Systems Integration
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Naval Electronics and Surveillance Division
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Space Systems Company
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Training Systems, Sensors
Lockheed Martin, Information Systems and Global Services
Lockheed Martin Integrated Defense Systems
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions
Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and Sensors
Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control
Lockheed Martin MS2 Division
Lockheed Martin Services, Incorporated
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Corporation
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration
Long Beach
Longbow LLC
Longbow Liability Company
LLC International Truck Body
Lowry Computer Products, Incorporated
LPI Technical Services
LTM, Incorporated
Lynden Air Cargo LLC
M2 Technologies, Incorporated
M7 Aerospace
M & S Foods Ltd Company
M/A-Com, Incorporated
MacAulay-Brown, Incorporated
M A Mortenson Company, Incorporated
Mabey Bridge and Shore, Incorporated
Machining Technologies
MacGREGOR USA, Incorporated
Macquarie Aviation North America 2, Incorporated Atlantic Gulfport Division
Macaulay-Brown, Incorporated
MACRO-Z Technology Company
Maine Secure Composites LLC
Management Consulting, Incorporated
MAN Diesel LTD
Manson Construction Company
ManTech Enterprise Integration Center, Advanced Systems International, Incorporated
ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation
Manufacturing Technology, Incorporated
Marine Hydraulics International
Marinette Marine Corporation
Marotta Controls, Incorporated
Mark G Miller, Incorporated
Martin Construction, Incorporated
Martin Electronics, Incorporated
Mason & Hanger Corporation
Matson Navigation Company, Incorporated
Maytag Aircraft Corporation
Materials Sciences Corporation
Maxim Systems, Incorporated
MBDA, Incorporated
M.C. Dean, Incorporated
McDonnell Douglas Corporation (ALL)
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Corporation
McGoldrick Construction Services Corporation
McKesson Corporation
McLaughlin Research Corporation
McLean Contracting Company
McNeil Technologies
MedImmune Shepherdsville
Medtronic Emergency Response Systems
Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Incorporated
Menlo Worldwide Government Services, LLC
Merrick Construction Company
Meridian Airport Authority dba Meridian Aviation
Merlin International, Incorporated
Metal USA i-Solutions
Miami Air International, Incorporated
Michelin Aircraft Tire Company, LLC
Michelin North America, Incorporated
Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation
MidAmerican Energy Company
Midwest Research Institute
Military Systems Group, Incorporated
Miller Watts Constructors-Pave Tech, A Joint Venture
Minacorp Ltd
Miramar Construction, Incorporated
Misener Construction, Incorporated
Mississippi Limestone Corporation
Mitchell Brothers, Incorporated
MITRE Corporation
MKI Systems
MMI - Federal Marketing Service Corporation
Mobley Contractors, Incorporated
Moffatt and Nichol
Montana Refining Company, Incorporated
Montgomery Watson Harza, MWH Constructors, Incorporated
Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Incorporated
Motorola, Incorporated
MPC Containment Systems Ltd
MPRI, Incorporated
M.R. Pittman Group LLC
MTU DetroitDiesel, Incorporated
Multinational Logistic Services Limited
Murray Air, Incorporated
MW Builders of Texas, Incorporated
Mykotronx, Incorporated
Nacre AS
Nakaya Construction LLC
Nan, Incorporated
Nan, Incorporated dba Ocean House Builders
Nana Pacific LLC
National Steel and Shipping Company
Navajo Refining Company
Naval Automation Group
Navistar Defense LLC
NAVMAR Applied Sciences
NDTS Aviation Services, Incorporated
New South
NES Government Services, Incorporated
New Mexico Technology Group, LLC
Newport News Shipbuilding
New South Construction Company
Niking Corporation
Nineteenth HFC Leasing Corporation
Norfolk Dredging Company
North American Rescue Product, Incorporated
North Island Corporation / Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Incorporated
Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority
Northrop Grumman Company, Electro-Optical Systems
Northrop Grumman Corporation (ALL)
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Northrop Grumman Corporation Electronic-Marine Systems
Northrop Grumman Defense Mission Systems, Incorporated
Northrop Grumman Information Technology
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems / Electromagnetic Systems
Northrop Grumman Newport News
Northrop Grumman PRB Systems
Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Incorporated
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
Northrop Grumman Space and Mission Systems Corporation, Mission Systems, Missile Defense Division
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Aerospace Systems, Battle Management and Engagement Systems Division
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Electronics Sensors Systems Section
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Integrated Systems Sector
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Integrated Systems Western Region
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Integrated Systems Air Combat Systems
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, Navigation Systems Division
Northrop Grumman Technical Services, Incorporated
Northrop Grumman Technical Services Sector
Northrop Grumman XonTech Systems, Incorporated
Northwest Florida Facilities Management, Incorporated
Northwest McGrath JV LLC
Nova Group, Incorporated
Nueces Electric Cooperative
P & S Construction, Incorporated
Pacific Consolidated Industries LLC
Pacific Science Engineering Group
Pacific Ship Repair and Fabrication
Pacific West Builders
PAE Government Services, Incorporated
Paramount Petroleum Corporation
Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group
Pasha Hawaii Transport Lines LLC
Passport Systems, Incorporated
Patten Energy Enterprises, Incorporated
Pave-Tech, Incorporated
Pearson Engineering Ltd
Pegasus Global, Incorporated
Pendleton Group, Incorporated
Peerless Chain Company
Petro Star, Incorporated
Pepco Energy Services, Incorporated
Phillips Contracting, Incorporated
Phoenix Air Group
Phoenix Fuel LLC
Photo-Sonics, Incorporated
Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation LLC
Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center
Placid Refining Company LLC
Point Blank Body Armor, Incorporated
Polkton Manufacturing Company
Pratt & Whitney, Incorporated
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Pratt and Whitney United Technologies Corporation
Presidential Airways, Incorporated, an Aviation Worldwide Services Company (Blackwater Aviation)
Prexis, Incorporated
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP
Production Products Manufacturing and Sales Company, Incorporated
Productive Products International
Professional Contract Services Incorporated
Progeny Systems Corporation
Propper International, Incorporated
Protected Vehicles, Incorporated
Public Warehousing Company PSC
Pyramid Services

R.A. Burch Construction Company, Incorporated
Radian, Incorporated
Ranger Aviation Enterprises, Incorporated
Raytheon Company, The (ALL)
Raytheon Company AMDS
Raytheon Company, Electronics Systems
Raytheon Company, Integrated Defense Systems
Raytheon Electronics Systems
Raytheon Electronic Warfare Systems
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems
Raytheon / Lockheed Martin Javelin
Raytheon Missile Systems
Raytheon, Network Centric Systems
Raytheon RF Components
Raytheon Southeast Asia Systems Company
Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems
Raytheon Systems Company
Raytheon Technical Services Company
Raytheon Technical Services, Incorporated
RC Construction Company, Incorporated
Readiness Management Support LC
Record Steel and Construction, Incorporated
Red Star Enterprises Limited
Refinery Associates of Texas
Reger Group LLC
Reliant Energy Solutions East
Remotec, Incorporated
Research Associates for Defense Conversion, Incorporated
Revenge Advanced Composites LLC
Reyes Construction, Incorporated
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH dba Niederlassung NICO Trittau
Rich Moe
Richard E. Pierson Construction Company, Incorporated
River City Construction LLC
River Trading Company LLC
Robert Orr - SYSCO Food Services
Robertson Aviation LLC
Rockwell Collins, Incorporated (ALL)
Rockwell Collins, Incorporated, Government Systems Division
Rockwell Collins Government Systems, Incorporated
Rockwell Collins Services
Rogers-Quinn Construction, Incorporated
Rolands and Associates, Incorporated
Rolls Royce (ALL)
Rolls Royce Corporation
Rolls Royce Engine Services
Rolls Royce Naval Marine, Incorporated
Rolls Royce plc
Rome Research Corporation
Roselm Industries, Incorporated
Rosemont Aerospace, Incorporated
Rotordynamics-Seal Research
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH
RQ Construction, Incorporated
RS Information Systems, Incorporated
S & K Sales Corporation
S & M & Associates, Incorporated
SAAB Bofors Dynamics AB
SAAB Training, LLC
Sambe Construction Company, Incorporated
Sampson Construction
San Diego State University Foundation
Sarnoff Corporation
Sauer, Incorporated
Sauer, Incorporated, dba Sauer Southeast
S B Ballard Construction Company
Schafer Corporation
Schutt Industries, Incorporated
Science Applications International Corporation
Scientific Applications International Corporation
Scott Alliance, Incorporated
Sea Box, Incorporated
Sealevel Systems, Incorporated
Sealift, Incorporated
Select Engineering Services
Select Sensors and Airborne Systems Electro-Optics Limited
Sensors Unlimited, Incorporated
SERCO, Incorporated
Seven Seas Shiphandlers
Seyer Industries, Incorporated
SFA, Incorporated
Shell Chemical Yabucoa, Incorporated
Sidran, Incorporated
Sierra Nevada Corporation
SIGCOM, Incorporated
Signal Systems Corporation
Signal Technology Corporation
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Sikorsky Support Services
Silver Eagle Manufacturing Company
Simula Aerospace (ALL)
Simula Aerospace & Defense Group, Incorporated
Simmonds Precision Products, Incorporated, DBA Goodrich Fuel and Utility Systems
Singh Group, Incorporated dba Baja Pacific
Science Applications International Corporation
Schutt Industries, Incorporated
SFA, Incorporated
Shamrock Foods
Shanska USA Building, Incorporated
Shaw Environmental, Incorporated
Shaw Infrastructure, Incorporated
Shaw Environmental and Infrastructure, Incorporated
Shee Atika Languages LLC
Shutt Industries
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Simula Aerospace
Skanska USA Civil Southeast, Incorporated
Sippican/Granite State Manufacturing Submarine Antenna Joint Venture
Slone Associates, Incorporated
SLR Contracting and Service Company, Incorporated
SM Wilson
Small Business Group
Smiths Aerospace LLC, Electronic Systems
Smiths Aerospace Mechanical Systems
Smiths Detection, Incorporated
Snap-On Industrial
SNC Technologies, Incorporated
SNC Telecommunications, LLC
Sodexho Management, Incorporated
Solpac Construction, Incorporated
Soltek Pacific Construction Company
Source for Native American Products
SOPAKCO, Incorporated
Southern Research Institute
Spain AFS
Sparta, Incorporated
Sparton Electronics
Spawglass Contractors, Incorporated
Special T Hosiery Mills, Incorporated
Special Tactical Services LLC
Spectrum Comm, Incorporated
Speegle Construction, Incorporated
Sprung, Incorporated
SRC Tec, Incorporated
Ssangyong USA, Incorporated
Standard Aero, Incorporated
Stanley Associates, Incorporated
Stauder Technologies
Static Energy LLC
Sterling Foods, Ltd
Stewart and Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems (ALL)
Stewart and Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems LP
Stewart and Stevenson Tactical Vehicle, Division of Armor Holdings
Stronghold Engineering, Incorporated
Structural Associates, Incorporated
Sumaria Systems, Incorporated
SUMMA Technology, Incorporated
Sundt Construction, Incorporated
Superior Graphite Company
SupplyCore, Incorporated
Supreme Foodservice AG
SURVICE Engineering Company
Symetrics Industries
Sys Technologies, Incorporated
Systems Research and Applications Corporation
Sysco Central Florida
Sysco Food Service of Hampton Roads
SYSCO Foods of Seattle
Sytex, Incorporated
Taber Construction, Incorporated
Taitec, Incorporated
Talbert Manufacturing
Talley Defense Systems
TASC, Incorporated
Tatilek Support Services, Incorporated
T.B. Penick and Sons, Incorporated
TCI Architects Engineers Contractors, Incorporated
TEAM Construction, LLC
Team Logistics Joint Venture
TEC, Incorporated
Technical Communications Corporation
Techno-Sciences, Incorporated
Technology Service Corporation
Tecolote Research Incorporated
TECOM, Incorporated
Teksouth Corporation
Tel Instrument Electronics Corporation
Telecommunication Systems, Incorporated
Teledyne Benthos
Teledyne Scientific and Imaging
Teledyne Wireless
Telephonics Corporation
Telford Aviation
Tennessee Apparel LLC
Tennier Industries
Terra Mississippi Nitrogen
Terex Corporation
Tesoro Corporation
Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company
Test and Experimentation Services Company
Tetra Tech (ALL)
Tetra Tech EC, Incorporated
Tetra Tech NUS, Incorporated
Textron Marine & Land Systems
Tiber Creek Consulting, Incorporated
Thales Communications, Incorporated
Thales-Raytheon Systems Company LLC
Theodor Willie Intertrade
Thermo Pac LLC
Thomas Computer Solutions LLC
THR Enterprises, Incorporated
Three Phoenix, Incorporated
TJC Engineering, Incorporated
TLD America Corporation
Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation
TolTest, Incorporated
Tompkins Builders, Incorporated
Trajen Flight Support LP dba Atlantic Division
Tri-County International Trucks, Incorporated
Trimble Navigation Limited
Triton Marine Construction Corporation
Triton Services, Incorporated
Triton Services, Incorporated, Electronic Technology Division
Treadwell Corporation
Triple Canopy
Truman Arnold Companies
T Square Logistics Services Corporation
Ttec-Tesoro, Joint Venture
Tuckman-Barbee Construction Company, Incorporated
TUG Technologies Corporation
Tulip Corporation dba PHI
Tullahoma Industries, LLC
Tulsair Beechcraft, Incorporated
Turbo Combustor Technology, Incorporated
TW Metals, Incorporated
Tybrin Corporation







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