Obama Praises Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in New Video

President Barack Obama has released a new video in which he praises the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, which is a prime endorser of his presidential re-election campaign.

“For you and for most Americans, protecting women’s health is a mission that stands above politics,” President Obama says in a video message for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “And yet over the past year we’ve had to stand up to politicians who wanted to deny millions of women the care they rely on and inject themselves into the decisions that are best made between a woman and her doctor.”

“Let’s be clear here, women are not an interest group. They’re mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and wives. They’re half of this country and they’re perfectly capable of making their own choices about their health,” Obama says.

The president attacks pro-life Republicans, who are seeking to replace him in the White House and prevent Obama from continuing to stack the Supreme Court with pro-abortion judges who will keep unlimited abortions in place under Roe v. Wade for an additional four decades.

“So when some professional politicians casually say that they’ll get rid of Planned Parenthood, don’t forget what they’re really talking about: eliminating the funding for preventive care that millions of women rely on and leaving them to fend for themselves. That’s why last year when Republicans in Congress threatened to shut down the government unless we stopped funding Planned Parenthood, I had a simple answer: no,” he said. Planned Parenthood released the video in an email to supporters of the abortion business.
“I am proud to have President Obama on our side,” Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said, saying she is “sending the president a message of support today.”

“President Obama gets it, and he hasn’t stopped fighting since his first day in office. He knows how important women’s health is, and he respects the right of every woman to make her own medical decisions,” Richards adds about Obama and abortion. “That’s why I hope you’ll join me in sending a message of support to President Obama today. And because the president is such a strong ally for women’s health and Planned Parenthood, he has a message for you, too.”

“I’m proud of President Obama’s determined efforts to advance the cause,” she concludes.


Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, responded to the video.
“In the email I received this evening from Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Cecile Richards, PPFA President, asked supporters to send a thank you note to President Obama for “standing strong” for women’s healthcare. The email includes a link to a new video released yesterday by Planned Parenthood Votes. It’s a short video of President Obama thanking Planned Parenthood for their work.

In the video, outrageous as it may seen given the extensive coverage of this issue, President Obama alludes to the fact the Planned Parenthood does mammograms,” she says. “Somehow the White House has missed the memo that Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms. How could they have missed that?”

Hawkins continued. “Any why is Planned Parenthood posting videos that say as much, when they have already been caught in the lie?”


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