The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action

In plain terms, there is a direct relationship between the forced enslavement of Black men into white society, the ongoing fear of Black men by White men, the racist global system of white supremacy that we all live in, and the feminization of Black men in Western society. The formula is simple

(Emasculization + Effeminization – Education = Domination)

Fuck being distracted with political and religious bull, this post will focus on the impact that feminization is having on the Black community, and how it is destroying the possibility of the permanent liberation of our people from disease, ignorance, and poverty.
Here’s what brought this post on:
Recently I tweeted “There has to be something behind the feminization of Black manhood. This sh*t is disgusting.”
Sort of an off-handed tweet that came from my observation of some men walking down the street who were as Black as Wesley Snipes with beard shadows, eye shadow, wigs, and in women’s attire. A few real men stood up in support of the tweet (shouts out to @WiseBornAllah), but PEOPLE I DIDNT EVEN KNOW came out of the woodwork with comments like:
 @venusXaesthete  and  @aubscenity  fuck you AND your constrictive notions of black “manhood”.
@ShonDPhoto Yeah… Sad sexist, homophobic people. Sigh.
and my favorite….
@Cheeto_Breath Feminization of black men? Were u dropped on ur head as an infant or just born stupid?
Normally, I wouldnt even touch the ignorance of those buffoons, but light is my mission, so its time to bring this conversation….ahem…outta the closet! (Asad got jokes.) BEFORE I GO IN….
Feminization means to make a male like a female. They are male in the physical sense, but no longer live, think or act as males – they are emasculated. From a Pan-Africanist perspective,

They do not guide (unless the conversation centers around why what they do is OK).
They do not protect (but they DO fight)
They neither lead nor follow.
They do not build or establish.
They either do not reproduce, or fail to participate in the upbringing of their children.
They are eunuchs, who can only serve the agenda of others, their own sexual agenda, but never their own communities

Real Black men and women who are alarmed over this growing sexual confusion are mostly reacting to what is being done to our sons. And, because of this, we are unable to stop the psychosexual assault on them. In the Western cultural context, men fear men, not women. The white world fears Black men for many good reasons. They understand that the best way to significantly reduce the threat from us is to turn our males into females so that they make themselves into nonthreats.


Zulu The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action

And This

08 bp68 pgs108 1092 The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action

Becomes This

 The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action

And This

blog 15 pic 31 The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action

Booty on Blast

Now I’m not trying to make this a political issue, but I think President Clinton had it right.  Its no secret that the military has its fair share of gay men and women. For years, the official policy was “Dont ask, Dont tell”. Nobody cared what you got into behind closed doors, as long as it didnt affect mission accomplishment. Gay servicemembers didnt put their sexuality on front street. They didnt need to – it was nobody’s business.
So why is it so necessary for gay men and women to put what they do with their booties on blast?  Let me put it like this: I like having my nipples pinched when Im doing my thing. Does that mean I go around wearing a shirt with cut-out nipple holes? No. My sexuality is between me and my queen. Nobody else.
But there are deeper issues here than assless chaps and political posturing….

Soft Genocide

  • Hard genocide is the direct destruction of a people through mass murder
  • Soft genocide is the indirect destruction of a people by influencing their culture and thus, their behavior. For instance, integration was used to destroy the revolutionary spirit of Black communities – see 46 Years of Ethnic Cleansing.

The Black family has always been the source of strength for Black culture. The family supports, teaches, protects,and holds its members accountable. To efficiently attack and destroy a people, this family structure must be undone. This has been accomplished by:
  • Tearing husband from wife and children from parents during slavery
  • Removing the man from the Black household with a new Jim Crow strategy
  • Keeping the Black man out of the house with welfare strategies that reward single parent households
  • Interracial dating
  • Conditioning Black children using the public school system to accept the state as the sovereign of the household
  • Using welfare to reinforce dependence on the state instead of self-determination
  • Infiltrating Black culture to deliver subliminal psychological attacks.

A Clear and Present Danger

gay is the new black iw The Feminization of Black Men is Soft Genocide in Action
Its been said that gay rights is the new civil rights movement. Fuck that. Gays arent hanging from light posts. 

They arent being denied basic rights. They can vote, shit on any old public toilet, go to college, and get great jobs. In fact, the only people discriminating against gas are other gays!  Thats not the issue here. The issue is the clear and present danger that the reversal of gender roles is having on our kids:
1. The destruction of HEALTHY family structures
2. Distraction from the REAL issues and values we should be embracing to rebuild our race and nation, and
3. The successful conclusion of the destruction of Blacks and Black civilization.
My man,   said it best:

“….disproportionate imprisonment, high homicide rates, high health risk factors, a culture of self-hatred, emasculation…- the black man is being eradicated in existence and essence.  A community with too few productive males is not viable;  it can’t survive.  It cannot defend itself. A community that hates the basis on which it should unite- it’s identity- will crumble.  A community that doesn’t produce leaders will lead itself to destruction.  A community that glorifies self-destruction will amplify it.

The phenomenon of emasculating Black males is not just important for African-Americans, but the entire African diaspora.  I’ve interacted with Black communities in Arabia, Australia and the UK, and African-American culture has, by far, the greatest influence on diaspora communities.  Based on what I have observed of African immigrants, the same can only be true for Africa itself, and many Africans I’ve met and interviewed have confirmed this view. 

As Black America goes, so goes the Black world.”


  1. We missed the boat on this election... Alan Keys would have continued what GOD started with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King...

  2. Barack Obama is a chameleon he will say whatever he needs to get the agenda of his constituents across. Even if it is to sacrifice our foundational institutions leading up to and including the constitution...

  3. He is the epitome of a harlot...Rev 17:1


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