Juggalo Murder / Dismemberment updates

Over the weekend there has been lots of updates on the 5 Juggalos accused in the murder of a young Juggalette including the grisly details of the murder, dismemberment, and disposal of her body from the main suspect in question. Here is a few updates to get you caught up in the case from our last update.

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Suspect in dismembering says he met woman online

URBANA, Ohio (AP) — A man suspected of stabbing, suffocating and dismembering his girlfriend told a newspaper that he met her through Facebook while looking for new friends and that he met two of his alleged accomplices at a library just three days before the killing.

Matthew Puccio, 25, is among five people charged in connection with the death of 21-year-old Jessica Rae Sacco, whose remains were found in the bathtub of their Urbana duplex apartment in late March, about a week after police believe she was killed. A couple from Fenton, Mich., and two people from Urbana are accused of failing to intervene in the killing and helping Puccio cut off or transport limbs that were dumped in southern Ohio and Kentucky, about 70 to 85 miles away.

In an interview, Puccio said he met Urbana residents Sharon Cook and Christopher Wright at a local library days before the killing, then contacted them afterward and was stunned that they helped him cover it up instead of calling the police, the Springfield News-Sun (http://bit.ly/HnNkaf ) reported Sunday.

"It shocked the hell out of me," Puccio said. "I figured they'd be the first to call the cops on me."

Puccio said he had met Sacco through Facebook while he was living in Texas. Puccio said Sacco provided support he needed after his former fiancée left him and took two of his children.
Puccio said he and Sacco argued often and that their relationship became more stressed because she didn't get along with Andrew Forney and his wife, the Michigan couple who began living at the home shortly after Puccio moved in last fall.

"They always argued, always fought, never got along with each other," Puccio said. "Jess would blow up at them for no reason. Then Jess would blow up at me for things they were doing."
Puccio said he grew up in Woodland, Calif., and had been friends with Forney for years because they attended school together and their families went to the same church. Puccio said he spent the later years of his youth moving between relatives' homes and group homes and sometimes got into trouble by fighting with other teens, even smashing one in the head with a bar stool.

His account of how he became acquainted with the others charged in the case contradicts information provided by police, who have said Puccio and Sacco recently met the Forneys online and that the group members were "loose friends."

It's tough to determine the accuracy of Puccio's comments because authorities haven't disclosed much about him or the case, the News-Sun reported.

Puccio has said Sacco begged him to kill her after he confronted her about text messages she'd sent saying she wanted him dead.

Friends of Sacco say they don't believe that. Amanda Erb, who attended high school with Sacco, described her as a sweet "goofball" with a good sense of humor who wouldn't hurt anyone.
Erb arranged a candlelight vigil Saturday attended by about 50 people, some of whom brought stuffed animals and wreaths for a makeshift memorial in front of the home where she was found.
Another court hearing in the case was scheduled for Tuesday.

The charges against Andrew Forney, 26, include abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence, obstructing justice, failure to report a crime and possession of criminal tools. His wife, 25, is charged with obstructing justice, failure to report a crime, possession of criminal tools and complicity to tampering with evidence.
The counts against Wright, 37, include abuse of corpse, tampering with evidence, obstructing justice and failure to report a crime.

Cook, 25, is charged with failure to report a crime and other complicity charges.
Wright's attorney said he had not seen the News-Sun report and declined to comment Sunday. Messages were left Sunday for attorneys for Cook and the Forneys.

The Champaign County prosecutor also has declined to comment on details of the case.

Urbana man admits murdering ex-girlfriend
Main suspect in killing, dismemberment says victim wanted to die.

image courtesy of whio-tv
MECHANICSBURG — A man accused of murdering and dismembering his ex-girlfriend confessed to the crime during an exclusive interview with the Springfield News-Sun on Wednesday.
The News-Sun requested interviews with all five suspects arrested in connection with the murder of 21-year-old Jessica Rae Sacco inside her apartment at 625 W. Light St. in Urbana.

The only one to agree was the main suspect, 25-year-old Matthew Puccio. He’s been charged with murder, felonious assault, abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence.
Puccio said he plans to plead guilty and deserves the death penalty.

Puccio said he’d been in a relationship with Sacco for about a year-and-a-half. He said it was her personality that drew them together.

“The way that she helped me with my kids, being there for me when I was going through psychotic breaks. She held me and told me it would be all right,” he said.

About two months ago, he said they began arguing more. Things came to a head just before midnight March 21, Puccio said, when he went to Sacco’s apartment to confront her about text messages he received claiming she wanted him dead. He claimed it ended with her asking him to kill her.

“She was pleading with me to slash her throat, slash her wrists, do something, and I told her, ‘No. I can’t do that to you,’ ” Puccio said.

“And she told me to stab her then, so I just held my hand above her stomach. She grabbed my wrist and pulled it into her stomach,” he said.

Puccio said Sacco bled on his lap for seven hours. Then, he grabbed a plastic bag.
“She asked me if I could just let her die already. I told her, ‘There is only one way I can do that, and it’s not going to be pleasant,’ ” Puccio said.

Puccio claimed Sacco “smiled” as he put a bag over her head. Weak from the stab wound, it only took “about 20 seconds” for her to succumb, he said.

“I just laid next to her and cried. Kept telling her ‘I’m sorry,’ ” Puccio said.
About 12 hours elapsed from when the argument began to Sacco’s death, Puccio said. At about noon March 22 he said he called his four friends — Christopher Wright, 37, and Sharon Cook, 25, both of Urbana; and Kandis Forney, 25, and Andrew Forney, 26, both of Michigan — and told them what he’d done.

He decided to cut up Sacco’s body because he “was scared.” He removed two legs and an arm, then stopped because “I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

In arrest affidavits, police indicated Wright and Cook helped him remove the limbs. But Puccio said he dismembered the body alone. He said the four friends helped clean up while he “just sat there and broke apart.”

To hide the evidence, Puccio claims his friends told him to dump the body parts. He said they drove to a wooded area in Covington, Ky. and pushed them out of the car.

Puccio then went to a friend’s house in Hamilton. He did not call the police, he said, because he knew they would discover the body eventually and he “needed to come to terms with what I did.”
Puccio said Cook, Wright and the Forneys shouldn’t be punished because “they had nothing to do with this.”

“We have no right to take someone else’s life, no matter what the scenario is,” he said. “I know (that), and I have to live with that.”

Puccio remains in the Tri-County Jail on a $100,000 bond. A preliminary hearing has been set for 10 a.m. April 17.

Urbana slaying suspect says he’s insane
Matthew Puccio is accused of stabbing, suffocating his ex-girlfriend.
photo courtesy of springfield news sun

A man who admitted killing his ex-girlfriend in an exclusive interview with the Springfield News-Sun offered new information at court Friday.

Matthew Puccio, 25, has been charged with aggravated murder, gross abuse of a corpse, abuse of a corpse, felonious assault, two counts of tampering with evidence and three counts of possession of criminal tools.
He allegedly stabbed then suffocated his ex-girlfriend, 21-year-old Jessica Rae Sacco, inside her home at 625 W. Light St. He then reportedly dismembered her body and, with the help of four friends, dumped the parts in Covington, Ky.

At an arraignment Friday in Champaign County Common Pleas Court, he told Judge Roger Wilson he was receiving disability payments because “I am clinically insane.”
Puccio will receive a court-appointed attorney. It’s unknown if his alleged disability will play into his defense.
During an exclusive interview at the Tri-County Jail this week, Puccio admitted to stabbing Sacco and then suffocating her with a plastic bag. He claimed she begged him to kill her.

“She started crying and told me, ‘I wish I didn’t have to die but I understand what I did,’ ” Puccio said.
He said during the interview he planned to plead guilty and wanted the death penalty.

The state enters an automatic “not guilty” plea at arraignments for those facing felony charges. Prosecutor Nick Selvaggio has indicated he will not seek the death penalty, but Puccio could face life imprisonment, according to his office.

Puccio said he called four friends — also indicted on charges — to help clean up and dispose of Sacco’s body parts. They were also arraigned Friday.

Andrew Forney, 26, was indicted on 11 charges that included failure to report a crime, gross abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and obstructing justice. Kandis Forney, 27, faces seven counts of similar charges, while Christopher Wright, 37, and Sharon Cook, 25, face six counts each.

Wilson set the Forneys, Cook and Wright’s bonds at $200,000 each. Puccio’s bond was set at $900,000. All five will appear with their attorneys for a preliminary hearing at 10 a.m. April 10.


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