Day Four Shutdown Roundup; Defense Contractors Feel The Pain; Americans Lose Faith In Congress, Economy At Breakneck Speed; School Apologizes For Picking On Student Over NRA Shirt; And Some People Don’t Know Obama’s A Democrat

October 4, 2013 by  
Brush up on the day’s headlines with Personal Liberty’s P.M. Edition news links.

Shutdown Roundup – Day Four

If you’re still alive and carrying on as you were before, congratulations on living through an entire workweek of government shutdown. Both sides in the shutdown fight dug in today, with the only real sign of capitulation being Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) non-apology for talking nasty about Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Read More…

Military-Industrial Complex Hit Hard By Government Shutdown

According to reports, the government shutdown is slated to begin affecting the “industrial” side of the military-industrial complex as early as Monday, with a number of big-name defense contractors announcing that they will begin the process of furloughing thousands of workers at the beginning of the week. Read More… 

Polls: Americans Losing Faith In Congress, The Economy

As the government shutdown and fierce rhetorical battles continue in Washington, the American public is growing increasingly tired of Congress’s antics. Read More… 

School Apologizes For Forcing Student To Remove NRA T-shirt

A California high school has apologized for forcing a 16-year-old student to remove a National Rifle Association T-shirt. Read More…. 

Do You Know What Party The President Belongs To? Some Don’t

Comedian and media analyst Mark Dice asks people on the street what political party President Barack Obama is affiliated with. Be prepared to feel bad about America. Watch… 
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