Bill "Slik-50" Clinton: "America will get used to Communism"

Who Let The RED Out?  

Bill Clinton, the "Aw shucks" Southern drawl guy from Arkansas, who had a megapenchant for the women folk, (Billy had a revolving-door of some 35 women he committed adultery with while IN the White House! And that doesn't count the one's he raped, groped and exposed himself to.) Well, we quickly found out behind all the hill-billy baloney lurked a cold-blooded Marxist and a very gifted liar. But with all the sex and lies most either didn't notice Bill's Marxist bent (Hillary-Care 1993), OR they ignored it.

Fast forward to 2008.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama who has a colorful history himself (a "not-so-closet" sodomite, Muslim, and flaming Marxist) has just "won" the presidency. What Bill did inbetween is myriad sexcapades, Obama has been pushing HARD 24/7/365.

Obama is Clinton, Carter, LBJ and FDR on steroids, crack, crank, PCP and LSD!

Well, it appears that Bill Clinton does not like the fact that BHO is getting done what he could not. "Why do you say that, Rev.?"

Here's why-

Bill Clinton Says Americans Will Get Used to Communism


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