Should Kenyan authorities investigate the Obamas?

The known number of Obamas in Kenya who are not only Muslim but very active in spreading wahhabist Islam continues to grow. The latest example, according to a couple of 2010 articles from Al Watan and Ekhbaryat (two Saudi newspapers), is Barack Obama’s cousin Feisal Mboya.
Until now, the name Feisal Mboya has been all but unknown to the west but according to these Saudi sources, it was Barack Obama’s step-grandmother, Mama Sarah Obama, who was responsible for converting him to Islam and that Sarah “specializes in Da’wa” or prosthelytizing. The extent to which Mboya is engaged in Da’wa is unknown but it would stand to reason that he seeks to carry on the family practice.
In this photo from 2010 (via Al Watan), Barack Obama’s cousin Musa can be seen seated next to Mama Sarah. Barack’s uncle Sayyid can be seen standing behind Musa. The identities of two men standing who are dressed in brown are unknown but Al Watan identifies them as “other members of the family”.
                         Front row: Musa Ismail Obama and Mama Sarah. Back row: Sayyid Obama, two unkown.
As we have reported multiple times, Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama is the Executive Secretary of theIslamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is an arm of the Sudanese government. This is a tremendously powerful organization that clearly has a reach – through Malik – into Kenya. What should be obvious is that if Malik is prosthellytizing Omar al-Bashir’s brand of Islam in Kenya, we’re talking about a terrorist brand, which fits right in with the work of Mama Sarah, Musa, Sayyid, and perhaps Feisal, who was converted to their brand as well.
How many other Obamas are doing this kind of work… in Kenya?
The Obamas in Kenya are clearly benefiting from the family name and utilize great leverage in this regard. The Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF) and the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) are able to command significant sums for “Da’wa”. The Obama name, coupled with the dollars the family commands, makes otherwise non-Muslims very susceptible to their influence through Da’wa.
As we have also reported, Musa admitted to Al-Jazeera in 2011 that he has provided aid to the Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya, which borders Somalia. In recent years, this camp has become home to an increasing number of al-Shabaab terrorists (Al-Shabaab is widely acknowledged to have been behind the September 21st Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi). In the wake of the September 21st terror attack at the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Members of Kenya’s Parliament have expressed a strong desire to close Dadaab.
The brand of Islam practiced by Musa (he works to help send Kenyan students to Umm al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia) would seem to belie assertions that he may have been well-intentioned when providing aid to the Dadaab camp.
                                 Musa Obama and Uncle Sayyid (far right) at Umm al-Qura University.
According to multiple reports, Kenyan authorities were ‘warned’ about the potential of an attack just like the one that occurred at the hands of Al-Shabaab at the Westgate mall in Nairobi on September 21st. There has also been quite a bit of heat turned up on the head of Kenya’s Intelligence Service, Michael Gichangi.

Kenya’s government had been warned, including by Israel, of the high risk of an attack before the deadly assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist gunmen, security sources said Saturday.
Cabinet ministers and Kenya’s army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, officials told AFP, confirming an intelligence report leaked in Kenyan newspapers.
“Israel had warned of attacks on their business interests but apart from just being tossed from one office to another, nothing was taken out of the intelligence reports,” said one official speaking on condition of anonymity. {emphasis ours}
Based on the background of the Obamas in Kenya, shouldn’t the Kenyan government begin investigating their activities? We’re not suggesting that the family was involved in the Nairobi attack but we are saying that the strain of Islam it is spreading throughout Kenya lays the foundation and helps to create the environment for such attacks to take place. Adding to this problem is the access the Obamas have to a tremendous amount of funds.
There are many forms of Jihad. Take Saudi Arabia and the Royal Family for example. This is a government that will educate and fund terrorists – both militant and stealth – while constantly attempting to remain a safe distance from the fray. When terrorists attack, the Saudi government wants to be seen as part of the solution. Until that time, it is very much part of the problem. When this reality is not recognized, infighting can take place among governments whose people are victims.
Consider 9/11. Immediately after the U.S. was attacked, its people were united but instead of identifying the source of the problem, the Bush administration sought to fight the bitter fruits of Saudi funding (al-Qaeda, the Taliban, etc.) while allowing the tree to continue growing. The administration sought to engage groups that are funded with Saudi dollars instead of exposing them. No matter where you are in the world, this strategy has proven to be a disaster for Islam’s enemy and very effective for Islam itself.
                                 Malik Obama (L): Should Kenyan authorities follow Egypt’s lead?
Post-Muslim Brotherhood Egypt appears to be providing the model for success. It is arresting practically everyone of consequence who is connected to the Brotherhood and has even banned the group. Its focus is not on those who commit terrorist attacks – though it has no tolerance for them either – but on the leaders who inspire them. In fact, it is currently in the process of investigating none other than Malik Obama, who is suspected by prominent Egyptian figures of being a major player with the Muslim Brotherhood.
A similar dynamic may be unfolding in Kenya. If the Obamas in that country have access to unlimited funds and are spreading wahhabist Islam across that country, closing down Dadaab is a good start but it’s not the solution.
That solution may very well include investigating the activities of the Obamas in Kenya.

Tags: Eqypt, Kenya, Malik, Mall, Musa, Obama, Sayyid, Shoebat, Uncle, 


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