Cornel West Moves Anderson Cooper To Tears with his poor long-suffering negro speech!


Video by CNN.

Cornell West with his we shall overcome speech not that I am begrudging to the 60's movement however, nor am I currently beholding. The Civil Rights movement was a movement in time when a people cried out to their GOD; and HE heard from heaven he forgave their sin and healed their land. Moreover, it was a partition of a GOD for HIS people to keep the covenant their fathers honored. Now that we have achieved said freedoms we turn our back on GOD to enjoy them in the most hedonist way. (Thus this new slavery of the mind)

Cornell West is delusional he is still in marching and singing mode. Like many of the leaders that the white liberal appoint to speak for all dark skinned Americans. J Edger Hoover speaks to this type leader so deleteriously, "There will never be another black messiah unless we create him." 

And here comes, Cornell West the eloquently fiery educated Negro selected to espouse that diatribe attempting to speak for all Negros. To fuel their coactive anger for this crime at President Donald J Trump when in fact the real racists are now showing up and out now that they have gotten what this hit piece intended. Cornell West is no longer needed. He served his purpose. Negro women fell for it. 

This is a trick we see every election season and dark skinned Americans fall for it every-time. I am very surprised that Cornell West and the like, (Al Sharpton, Jessy Jackson, celebrities, and mainstream media talking heads.) are the first to stand in line for that moment to mislead their people. How can someone so intelligent allow themselves to get drawn into this white liberal black narrative of, "We shall overcome some day ay ay ay" at such an emotional level is unsettling. Not that this is not an emotional moment for George Floyd's family; because it is for any family.  However; to try to usurp this moment galvanizing the materiality of that moment was prestidigitateur subrogation. 

Cornell West, if one is to believed that this wasn't motivated by money and/or coercion, they have to be living in a bubble. To ignore the fractured self imposed genocidal butchery, and moral debauchery that plagues the negro, notwithstanding the self bloodletting far outnumber the external depletion of the dark skinned people. In his diatribe if Cornell had just speak to this moment of grief and spoke to the family it would have been more genuine in my humble assessment. 

Therefore, as it is, I am convinced that someone or something else is behind this enthusiastic rant of Dr Cornell West, absent of addressing obvious ills in the negro community. Ills that would have a people look at themselves collectively and see no value, Subsequently, compelling others to put high regard were it is politically expedient, but not of their own volition.  

Therefore, when you consider the genocide, abortion, breakdown of family,  breakdown of structure, faithlessness, mediocrity, lack of discipline in the home, (Corporal Punishment) the lethargy, the self medicating, self misanthropy, the selling of pharmaceutical and illicit drugs to their own people, and collective Stockholm syndrome for the white liberal governance; with all that going on, without any extrinsic tinge of harm. The depletion of our negro people's are largely self inflicted.

We pander for the bleeding heart white liberal, we have come to believe he understands our plight. Even when he gaffs Negros are just so forgiving of the white democrat liberals.

 However, when it comes to their own they socially assassinate and comes to the white liberals rescue! SMDH! Meanwhile, even when  they have proven to not have your best interest at heart. White Liberals out right ignoring Negros after they get what they want. (This is not knew look at Barack)


Article from CNN.

Those people that white liberals convinced Negros had right to be here are getting the carrot that has been dangling over the head of Negros since 1863. 40 Acres and a mule... Then in the midst of marching of Negros and other from around the world for protection of minorities from police brutality. Biden makes it a hate crime for Negros to attack Asians... Protections that would have saved Amir Locke and many others since. No knock warrants are unconstitutional, I won't get into that here, but no one is speaking on it. It has always been the While Liberals position to keep Negros from constitutional access out of fear. 

Biden was as bold as to say to a black man however, a charlatan, that if you don't vote for him you ain't black! 

Negro's still ran to the polls and voted for this man(Biden). The man that wrote the crimes bill, and refused to apologize for it that is until Barack Obama called him an idiot. Obama didn't call him an idiot because it was a racist bill, but because he feared he would not get elected. Barack over estimated the deleterious affect of such a statement; in the midst of the, "Anything but Trump" mantra and it's impact on the Negro American psyche.  He wrote patriot act. He also said he did not want inner city children riding to school or going to school with his children.    

Nevertheless, GOD has a sense of humor: 

Even GOD can't save these Negros from there collective Stockholm codependency of the White Liberal. (Cinched by LBJ) Thus, for Cornell West to pander to the White Liberal assuring him that the negro community has nothing but love in their hearts for the white liberal. Actually, he is right! In contrast, to espouse that the Negro community bestrides the struggles of our forefathers has this speech going afoot. The very people he is pandering to are the very same people that postured themselves as today's populists and the Republicans as the White Racist oligarch. (However, the truth is to the contrary)

In 1865 Lincoln was responsible for giving black men the right to vote and the democrats would control that vote by force; that is up until 1964. Today Negros are like sheep lead to the slaughter every election since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is sad to watch the GOD honored sacrifice of our forefathers surrendered by today's Negros to an obvious psychological usurpation without firing one bullet. 

"With great power comes great responsibility." Even though this quote is attributed to a fictitious character it is so very true. The Negro, as they have throughout all the annals of history take everything for granted once they have achieved their liberation. America is not the first to enslave the Negro.

It has become so common place that the Negro line up like sheep lead to slaughter. It is equivalent to watching a herd of sheep line up everytime a wolf says he is hungry and head into the wolfs den.  Meanwhile, there is no eternal reward for your incongruous sacrifice. Secondly, If I try to warn them, or help, or even show you cold hard facts that this is not a noble deed. They would seek my blood before they tergiversate. 

#wakeup Cornell West Charity starts at home (1 Timothy 5:8)
This is one weekend in Baltimore and it ain't done today is Sunday, March 13, 2022

If you listen to Cornell West speech and watch this video you would think this was two different realities. You would think that Cornell has to be in a far part of the country were he is shield off from such acts that Negros strike upon other Negros. 

Now let's look at White Liberal, Socialist, Progressive, Communist, and Slaver; Anderson Cooper. Who's legacy is one of slave holdings that helped to build the Vanderbilt Fortune. 

However, I must say I am not one to look at the pockets of the slavers and want anything because I am not convinced that slavery was about skin color however, obvious. 

I believe slavery was about a GOD and HIS people. (Deut. 28)





I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast at the Sunday, April 3rd so stay tuned we will keep you updated here. 


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