Barack Obama has unleashed a wave of gender confusion on every level of governance.

Former President Barack Obama

When you have a Supreme Court Nominee that can not define female and she is a serious contender; we are in trouble! 

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee, asked her a very rudimentary rhetorical question during her confirmation hearing. 
“Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?” 


“No, I can’t,”

 Jackson said. She continued,

“Not in this context. I am not a biologist.”

However, whatever a woman is in her mind; she has later declares that she is a black one. 

“Because I am a woman, because I am a Black woman, all of those things people have said have been really meaningful to them,”

Jackson said during the hearing. She also said

 "it would be an honor “to be the first and only Black woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court.”

Definition in any context:

  1. an adult female human being.

By not answering; moreover her follow up comment; is an answer as far as I am concerned. If it were up to me I would not confirm this, "ironically," woman.

If someone can convince a sitting Judge, and candidate for the supreme court that the definition of a woman has changed; that judge is not mentally fit to preside over basic common sense specialisms; making wise simple. This woman is not fit to serve on the supreme court. She can not step outside of deranged bipartisan sensibilities and bring solemnity to issues unnecessarily made complex for paid political access/gain.  

In my many years I have watched as the Supreme Court has a culture, on the most part, of bringing a sense of constitutional earnestness, and sobriety to very multiplexed matters. Based on this one question I am convinced that this woman can be influenced to side step the constitution for political expediency. She does not have the common sense to make more complicated judgements that would effect the future of our republic.  

I am convinced that if she is confirmed in light of her allegiance to the left's insanity as of late. Some of that lunacy would get substantiated through the supreme court to only walk them back later. However, a supreme court decision is not so easy to undo. 

Historically, the US Supreme Court rarely overturns decisions. ... That might sound high, but consider this: Between 1946 and 2020, there were 9,095 decisions made by the high court. In that time, data from the US Government Publishing Office show 161 overturned decisions.

Some decisions I can see her state of mind affecting for the worse; i.e. Roe V Wade, Keystone pipeline, Immigration laws, Legalization of pedophilia, allowing men to defy gender norms dominating in women sports, using women bathroom at a time in America when hyposexuality is at historical peeks, kids being allowed to select the gender of their choice, parents not being able to intercede, and much much more... 

This woman is a danger to our republic and has no place in the highest court in the land. The supreme court justices should be neutral and depend on their own GOD given common sense, the constitution, and the will of the people. As of late common sense "ain't" common. For that reason congress should not take any nomination lightly that goes for the whole of congress. When congress is hired to represent the majority of the people in their districts. Personal private proclivities shoud take a back seat to the greater GOD good. In this mad world we need the highest court in the land to speak GODLY  sound, moral, constitutional, rectitude to all cases they survey. 

We all have a responsibility to make sure we take these issues very seriously as if our lives depended on it; because in the near future it very will can.

Lets set aside our differences, and focus on what binds us and fight to shape an America we can be proud of. Ask yourself what type of country would you like to pass down to your kids,  your kids-kids. I say lets have an America that is the city set on the hill once again. (MAGA) 

If she is confirmed; If you don't hear me now you will feel me later I promise you. This woman will take the Civil Rights laws from the people it is intended to protect and morph it into an unbridles, lascivious, cesspool of degeneracy. 

They (Democrats) are trying to go after Clarence Thomas now, however, if he is impeach so should Joe Biden. Biden's son gave the keys to China and made deals with Russia while Joe was VP. He sold the American company to China making them the leading country in the electric car race. Ohhhh that is not all he has done that is treasonous I will post it in another blog. 

Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank]
Y'all don't hear me though; This is

- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. 


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