MK Ultra - Victims and their stories

CIA's Secret Brainwashing Experiment: Former Patients sue US Government (1984) -  The Fifth Estate

                 1,286,856 views * Testimonials from the period

We present the facts you decide!

In 1953, Central Intelligence Agency director Allen Dulles authorizes the MK-ULTRA project. In a covert experiment into mind- altering drugs, the agency puts unsuspecting people to the test.

It was more than a decade before Timothy Leary advocated the benefits of LSD and urged people to "turn on, tune in, drop out," that the CIA's Technical Services Staff began to research the mind-control effects of LSD and other psychedelics. The experiment used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as cavia porcellus (guinea pigs).

After the United States discovered that American prisoners of war in Korea were subjected to mind-control techniques by their captors, Dulles helped close the "brainwashing gap."

To get preeminance over foreign enemies, the CIA conducted research to develop a truth serum that would improve the interrogation of POWs and captured spies. The agency also sought to develop techniques and drugs, such as "amnesia pills", to create CIA mercenaries resistant to enemy mind control.

A MK- Ultra program even attempted to build a programmable assassin who could control the minds of vexing autocrat, such as Fidel Castro. Thus, those who claim the government controls our minds will have to live with the consequences forevermore.

Besides drugs, the program also included over one hundred sub-projects involving radiological implants, hypnosis, subliminal persuasion, electroshock therapy and isolation techniques. When I was a child I remember CIA agents attending night clubs and when someone would leave their drink or any opportunity they would slip them LSD, PCP, Speed, and many other illicit substances.  The government CIA have made the program available to big business for marketing, advertising, and merchandising. MK- Ultra has infiltrated practically ever facet of our lives. MK in the project name stands for the Technical Services Division that oversaw the project and ULTRA stands for a security classification applied to top-secret information.

The CIA funded research at more than 30 universities and institutions, though not all were aware it was CIA-funded, since funding was sometimes laundered through shell organizations. LSD was secretly administered to CIA employees, U.S. soldiers, psychiatric patients, and members of the general public (As was indicated above) under the guise of research in 1943. A federal drug agent who worked as a "consultant" for the CIA on a project called "Operation Midnight Climax" hired prostitutes to slip the drug to unsuspecting clients, then watched through a two-way mirror as the clients tripped. Additionally, he reportedly slipped the drug to patrons at bars and restaurants.

After much research, the CIA concluded that the drug was too unpredictable for accurate research, but it was too late for Frank Olson. Olson was a 43-year-old military research scientist for the U.S. Army, who was also an unwitting recipient of CIA acid. Olson and four other scientists drank LSD spiked drinks during a meeting at a mountain retreat with CIA head Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and other MK-ULTRA employees in 1953. They learned about the drug 20 minutes after consumption. Olson appears to have suffered a severe reaction and left the retreat in an agitated state. He later threatened to resign.

He was referred to a psychiatrist in New York after the CIA claimed that he suffered a sudden bout of paranoia and depression. Olson ended his life by falling from the 10 floor hotel room in N.Y. He was accompanied by a CIA employee whom says that he was awaken to see Olson throw himself through the closed window at 1:30 am. Now this was big news when I was a kid the wife of Olson kept the story alive for years. His wife and children refused to accept the CIA's explanation that Olson had suddenly come down with sever depression that lead him to take his own life. However, shy of any other explanation they had to move on without him. 

However, some 20 years later news of the CIA's secret LSD program finally leaked, the family learned of it through a congressional inquiry that Olson had been slipped some of the hallucinogen days before his death. The CIA continued to insist that Olson had committed suicide, but at the urging of U.S President Gerald Ford's, the family was paid $750,000. 

Olson's son had his father's body exhumated and reexamined, there he discovered that his father might have actually died from a blunt force trauma to the head, which may have been received prior to his fall from the hotel window.

Olson wasn't the only casualty of the CIA's drug tests. A tennis pro who had gone to the New York Psychiatric Institute for depression following a divorce fell into a coma and died. He'd been administered a derivative of mescaline. There were other cases of suspect deaths and lives left in ruin.

The victim's families might have sued to obtain records of the secret program, but CIA Director Richard Helms had ordered the MK-ULTRA project files destroyed in 1973.

The program was brought to light in 1975 through investigations by the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission that were established to investigate government surveillance operations in the wake of the Watergate wiretapping scandal and other domestic-spying revelations.

By then, the MK-ULTRA project had supposedly been closed. But this was by no means the end to misguided covert government programs, such as the 

Dulles gave the go-ahead for MK-ULTRA, as it turns out, on the very day that Ian Fleming's first James Bond novelCasino Royale, appeared. Coincidence? You decide.


Google won't let me post the video!

Source: Various

Image: Frank Olson's passport.
Courtesy Frank Olson Legacy Project

See Also:

Below is a link to the actual hearing, (written) who attended and testimonials: 






I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

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