Mind Boggling: How is it that a group of 8 runs this country and there is no one to stop them?!!!!!!!! UnAmerican!

These people need to be stopped and declared an Enemy of the state; and an Enemy combatant. They should be detained, tried, and if convicted death for some and subject to the Crimes Bill!

Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff  (1)
Barbara Lee
Jimmy Panetta
Maxine Waters (2)
Scott Peters
Jerrold Lewis Nadler (3)
Charles Ellis Schumer (4)
Barack Hussein Obama II
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr (5)
William Jefferson Clinton (6)
George Walker Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar
Rashida Harbi - Tlaib
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Jamal Anthony Bowman
Cori Anika Bush
Ayanna Soyini Pressley
Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (7)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (8)
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama

The Oligarch's behind them
György Schwartz
William Henry Gates III
Jeffrey Preston Bezos
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
Michael Rubens Bloomberg
Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild
John Davison Rockefeller

The Nations that are behind Them
The Dragon (China)

The Bear (Russia)
The Lion (Iran also know as Mede Persia)
The Turpial (Venezuela)
The Horse (North Korea)
Trogon (Cuba)
The Bull (Belgarus)
The Tiger (Myanmar)
Jaguar (Brazil)
The Markhor (Pakistan)

The Ibris (Syria)





I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast at the Sunday, April 3rd so stay tuned we will keep you updated here. 


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