What is race and is it a real conceptualization? (Hebrew people's journey From Slaves of Sin to Slaves of God)

Listen up people "Race" is not a reality.

There is no factual basis in Science, Religion, Morality, or humanity for such a notion.

Scientific definition - In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. - Harvard Univerity * The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences * April 17, 2017

If you ask most Americans they will tell you that religious wars have killed more people than any other major event in history.


I take aversion to that; Spiritual wickedness in high places uses this idiom to control the dark skinned American's conversation posturing them against the GOD of their fathers. When in fact it is estimated that 1,890,000,000 dark-skinned Americans have been killed by disease, murder, genocide, homicide, and abortion (Margaret Sanger) in the past 400 years. Not to mention the Native American lives lost in the Indigenous people's holocaust.

Notwithstanding, If you mention the word holocaust to the American people they will immediately think of Hitler, Germany and the Ashkenazi's.

The instrument called "Race" is a powerful social engineered tool implemented to control, divide, and concur; more importantly used to dehumanize, and to appropriate the history of a group of people! Moreover, to automate the control of conversation about a certain subjects even when the antagonist isn't present.

Additionally "race" is a tool to marginalize a minority group, and to embolden hostile passions of another group. Giving control to the majority group along lines of economics, culture, religion, hierarchy, decorum, protocol, codes, rules, customs, and authority.

Race as a social construct is the only way civil people can stomach and/or enjoy this sight.

I couldn't even begin to fathom how the ancestors of the dark skinned people endured such sadism. My mind will not allow me to conceive of such acts. Moreover, I am incapable of understanding the depth of consciousness that it would take to prepare one to be a victim of this demonic demonstration.

The furor, the virosity, and the hate, would have to be so deep that it transcends "race" as a tool. It had become unhinged spiritual roguery at it's zenith. However, "race" is the tool used to deaden one's cognizance to the evil barbarity of such a spectacle. (Above Picture)

No group of peoples have endured what the dark skinned American's have had to long-suffer. You can forage the annals of all man's history and find none that compares.

The only comparison to such atrocities are described in Deut chapter 28. The GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob promises that such things would befall the people of Israel if they do not keep the covenant made between this GOD and HIS people.

However, no group or people are better than any other. It is all about how you apply yourself; and to whom you give your worship.
All things considered; If we were to base corporate superiority on ingenuity then hands down; we would be compelled to concede that in the last 400 years the darker skinned people of America and Africa have been a superior group of people though-out history and the world.

The darker skinned people of America leaped to astonishing altitudinous inventiveness; they've accomplished by all wisdom what would be considered impossible. When they were functionally illiterate, oppressed, murdered, raped, castrated, psychologically hegemonized, had their histories appropriated, dominated, sexual coercion, ostracized, mutilated, emasculated, ensuring emotion distress, mournfulness, genocidal, socially engineered to self hate, steering, conscience gender dysphoria, homicide, post-trauma, and constant disillusion, despondency, discouragement, depression, desolation, and despair; just name a few of the physical and psychological encumbrances they have had to endure in a foreign land, foreign language with a people that were not their own. Yet they managed to thrive and build a country. Constructing and posturing this land to be the city set on the hill that gives light to the world. (Matt 5:14) Now as they avert the GOD of their fathers; their enemies maintain it's control. YET by GOD's mercy, and grace THEY THRIVE!

Only GOD can sustain such a people that has endured what the dark skin people of America has had to undergo.

Just about a week ago I had attended a poetry reading. One of the young men asked me who do I blame for slavery? The inference was if you don't blame white people who do you blame?

I said "Me."






I know some of you are mainstream media outlets, other bloggers, and podcasters, are coming here to get your talking points. 

It's ok I'm not adverse to that; because I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. However, if you would be kind and give me credit for my well thought  out essay it would be greatly appreciated. 

If you have inside celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist, entrepreneur or entertainer and want to share contact us. 

We are launching a podcast on the 3rd of April so stay tuned we will keep you posted here. 



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