Georgia Teen Arrested For Having Sex With Neighbor’s Dogs


Bernard Archer, 19, was arrested on two counts of bestiality after he was discovered having sex with Dr. Cathryn Lafayette‘s dogs, reports CBS Atlanta.

Archer was videotaped having sex with a female pit bull by neighbors, who then called the Newton County sheriff’s office:

“Dispatch advised [that] home owners … witnessed a young black male having sexual intercourse with two dogs,” the report states.

When you see Dr. Cathryn Lafayette interacting with her four pit bull dogs, it's clear she loves them and they love her.

Lafayette said she was inside her home taking a nap on Saturday when someone knocked on her door.
When she stepped outside, several Newton County deputies were in her yard.

Female Pit Bull

I’m thinking, ‘Oh my God, don’t tell me that the dogs got out,’” she said. “A deputy told me I didn’t do anything wrong, I was the victim. I said, ‘Victim!’ I’m thinking, ‘Wait a minute, did someone kill my dog?’ He said, ‘No the neighbor behind you, they saw the teenager having sex with your female dogs.’ I said, ‘Having sex with my female dogs?’ I think they must have got it wrong.”

Lafayette didn't believe them until they showed her the video her neighbors recorded.

"And it showed him on his knees inside the kennel with my dog. He was on his knees like he was a dog," said Lafayette.

Police arrested 19-year old Bernard Archer and charged him with two counts of bestiality.

Lafayette said Archer was supposed to be cleaning out her dog's kennels and doing other work around her home because she paid for him to enter a program to get his GED.

"Our agreement was if I pay the tuition then he would pay half by working here at my home or whatever I had for him to do. Saturday was his first day to start working," said Lafayette.

Lafayette trusted Archer and she introduced him to her dogs. Now she feels she let her babies down.

"For him to come on my property and rape my female dogs, that's totally unheard of and that hurt me. I wasn't here to protect them," she said.


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