Mother Arrested After Maggots Found In Baby’s Diaper

Michelle Butler 

Michelle Butler, 20, is facing charges after nurses found maggots in her 10-month old baby’s diaper, reports

The South Carolina mother took her sick baby to a neighbor’s home, who immediately noticed that the child had a fever and was tugging on his ear. After telling Butler that the baby needed medical attention, the neighbor called 911. Butler said that she stopped giving her baby his medicine because she accidentally spilled it, reports NBC affiliate, WYFF.

A police officer accompanied the baby to the emergency room and when the nurses removed his diaper several maggots fell out, reports CBS. Police subsequently checked Butler’s apartment, discovering baby essentials such as food and formula amidst extreme filth.

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According to WYFF, the baby boy’s blood and urine also tested positive for exposure to marijuana.
Butler is charged with unlawful neglect of a child, reports CBS, and is currently out on bond.
See news report below:


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