What's the Ask?

What Do You Want?

It’s no secret that the vast majority of African Americans will vote for President Obama, but that does not mean we should not be asking for something in return from the President and all the politicians who get our vote. We’ve seen over the last few weeks how groups like the LGBT and Latino communities have gotten politicians like President Obama to act on their agenda. 

We need to begin to formulate just what we are asking politicians for, in exchange for our support, so "What's Your Ask?"

We will be gathering ideas for this on Washington Watch, but right now we want to hear from you. Please post your thoughts on what "The Ask" should be.

n this week's Washington Watch "THE ASK" clip, Roland Martin encourages Black voters to ask politicians for what they want. This week's guests say their "ASK" is for high quality jobs. What's yours?

TELL US: What do you want President Obama and other politicians to do for you and your community?


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