Man 'on a bad trip' from synthetic marijuana chases neighbor while growling before strangling and EATING dog in new zombie-like attack

Michael Terron Daniel attacked those living at the home and admitted that he was on a bad trip after taking the synthetic drug K-2.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A drug-fuelled rampage led a man to attack several people and chase around a neighbour while growling like an animal - before he brutally killed and ate a dog.

Police were called to a home in Waco, Texas, on June 14 to investigate a report that a man living there was 'going crazy.' reported that Michael Terron Daniel attacked those living at the home and admitted that he was on a bad trip after taking the synthetic drug K-2.

Witnesses told cops that he got into a crouch position and was growling before chasing a neighbour.

As the neighbour ran away, Michael then reportedly turned his drug-fuelled rage to a medium-sized family dog, beating and choking the animal.


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