Texas man arrested for naked unicycle ride

(Source: KPRC)

KEMAH, TX (CBS ATLANTA/CNN) - Police have arrested a man in a Houston suburb for taking a leisurely ride on his unicycle - in the nude.

Police dash cam video showed a police officer arresting Joseph Farley on Wednesday in Kemah, TX, after the officer spotted him riding naked.

Police investigators said that Farley, a former teacher, wasn't disoriented, drunk or high during the ride.

"We get another call that now the subject is naked. So we go back out there and sure enough, he is naked as a jaybird, riding his unicycle over the bridge," said Kemah Police Chief Greg Rikard.  "We stop him, he gets off the bike, and take him into custody, no problems.  He said he liked the way it felt. Really don't know what he meant by that, but that's what he said."

Farley was charged with indecent exposure for the birthday suit-inspired ride. His bond was set at $1,500. 


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